This is our story.

You will walk towards me and look at me with fear in your eyes. I will be surprised in the expected kind of way, look back at you and shake my head because I'm tired. Tired of everything, but mostly tired of being without you.
I will desperately hold back my tears, and then I will tell you I've moved on. I will go away, and I will break down. You will put your arms around me, and I'll repeat it over and over again. I've moved on, I 've moved on, I've moved on. It will be a lie, and this will be our goodbye. In fact, it won't, but at least I wish it was. This is our story, playing on repeat. It goes on and on.
It's been too many months and I have imagined this every day. Honey, I just thought you should know I'd do anything. Anything just to be with you.
[Source: Le love]
- Lite ändrad av mig för att passa in bättre.
Om det ändå vore så enkelt att gå vidare. Vissa saker går aldrig bort, men det kan alltid bli enklare och bättre.